Explore SKM Power Tools software

SKM Power Tools is modular designed software with a common database. With the right modules, many calculations on power systems are possible. But how do you choose the right modules? What are the costs of the software? Can you try the software first? Where do you find technical support and training? What about maintenance, enhancements and Upgrades?

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SKM Power Tools Modules
Technical Specifications
Prices & Quotations
Free Demo Version
Technical Support & Training
Enhancements & Upgrades


Since 1972, SKM Systems Analysis develop advanced software for power systems analysis. SKM’s Power Tools for Windows (PTW) is worldwide one of the leading integrated suites of power systems analysis tools in this area.

Engineering agencies, oil & gas, shipbuilding, industry, utilities, government and education use the software. Since 2001, my company SVRI is distributor of SKM Power Tools in the Netherlands and Belgium, and on request also in other EU countries.

SKM Systems Analysis, Inc.
1 Pearl Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277
United States

SKM Power Tools Modules

Below, the most commonly used modules in the Netherlands and Belgium are described. DAPPER is the basic module, which is required in almost every combination.

DAPPER Integrated Electrical Analysis Software. Comprehensive Three Phase Short-Circuit Studies, Load Flow Study (power flow, voltage drops, branch currents), Impact Motor Starting Study, and Load Schedules. Additionally, DAPPER includes a drawing program for one-line diagrams, a component editor, and an extensive library for data input. All other modules are optionally provided in combination with DAPPER.

IEC_FAULT 909 / 363 IEC Short-Circuit Study 909 or 363. Short-Circuit Study (also known as fault analysis) based on the IEC 60909 or IEC 61363 Standards. The IEC 60909 is used in general voor landinstallaties, and the IEC 61363 for ships and offshore units.

CAPTOR Time-Overcurrent Coordination. Graphical Time-Overcurrent Coordination. Integrated with one-lines, short-circuit modules, Equipment Evaluation, and Arc Flash. Comprehensive protective device library.

Arc Flash Evaluation calculates the incident energy (cal/mm² or J/mm²) at a certain distance from the arc flash according to OSHA, NFPA 70E, NEC 110.16, or IEEE 1584 (recommended). Combined with DC Systems Analysis, you can also perform calculations on DC systems according to NFPA 70E 2012 Annex D.8.1.1.. Generates custom labels and work permits.

TMS Transient Motor Starting Simulation. Time-based motor starting simulation with graphical output. Includes reduced voltage and capacitor starting, graphical motor and load models.

HI_WAVE Harmonic Investigation and Filter Design. Frequency Scan, Harmonic Current, Voltage Distortion, Harmonic Load Flow and Interactive Filter Design.

I*SIM Dynamic Simulation and Transient Stability. Dynamic Response to Power System Electro-Mechanical Disturbances, Generator Sizing and Stability, Flux Level Machine Representation. User Defined Graphical Models for Exciter, Turbine Governor, PSS, and other controllers.

DC System Analysis. Battery Sizing, Load Flow, & Short Circuit Analysis. Evaluate all loading conditions for DC duty cycle loads and AC emergency loads. Complies with IEEE std. 485, 1115, 399, 946, and IEC std. 61660. Includes DC Arc Flash when used together with Arc Flash Evaluation module.

More information can be found on the SKM website. Or contact me.

Technical Specifications

Below are the recommended system requirements for the SKM Power Tools software, the license key options, and the options for the number of buses (nodes).

Recommended System Requirements

The following requirements apply to SKM Power*Tools for Windows, Version 11 (PTW V11).

ProcessorIntel i5 or better
Operating SysteemWindows 11
RAM8 GB or more
Space On Hard Drive120 GB SSD
MonitorsDual monitors
ServerWindows server with static LAN IP address accessible to all workstations is required for LAN key

License Key Options

Your SKM Power Tools software will include one of the following keys, and will not run without it. However, once you have installed the key, you can forget about it. The key does its job automatically.

Standalone USB Key (green)You can install the software on as many computers as you want, but the USB key that we supply must be attached to the computer that wants to use the software.
Standalone FlexLM KeyThe software key is an electronic ptw32x.lic file that you will place in your application directory to activate the software. The software license requires yearly activations. Instructions are sent to the registered user in early December to avoid downtime for the following calendar year.
LAN USB Key (red)Similar to the standalone USB key, but the USB key can be installed on a central server and accessed via VPN.
LAN FlexLM KeySoftware network key. The software license requires yearly activations.


Buses (nodes)

A bus (node) in an electrical network is a point where two or more components (branches) are connected. It is often represented by a dot in a circuit diagram. Essentially, it is a connection point where electrical current can split or converge. A more detailed explanation can be found in FAQ26 on the SKM website.

In SKM Power Tools 50, 100, 300, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 12000 are available. Our customers mostly choose for 300 buses, but also for 100 and 1000 buses. In case of doubt, you can also purchase a license for, for example, 100 nodes and upgrade to 300 or 1000 nodes when you need to.

Supported Formats

SKM Power Tools supports various formats, making the output easily compatible with applications such as Microsoft Office and AutoCAD. For PDF export, SKM provides its own PDF printer, allowing documents to be created up to A0 size (the Microsoft PDF printer supports up to A3 size).

DXFDrawing exchange Format
EMFEnhanced Metafile Format
HTMHyperText Markup language
PDFPortable Document Format
RPTCrystal Reports bestand
XLSMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 worksheet

You can export input data and calculation results as RPT, XLS, HTM, or SS3 files.

Prices & Quotations

The price of an SKM Power Tools software license depends on the number of modules, buses, and users, as well as the type of key. After making the appropriate selections, you can calculate the price using the SKM price list. Of course, I am happy to assist you with the selection and to provide a customised quote in euros.

A Price List is available on the SKM website. The mentioned prices are in US dollars, for delivery in 2025 and excluding taxes and shipping costs (total about USD 200).

Combination & Upgrade Pricing Matrix

You can fully customise your license and calculate the cost using the Combination & Upgrade Pricing Matrix. We provide 2 examples.

Example 1
Selection: DAPPER, CAPTOR, Arc Flash Evaluation, IEC 909 for 1 user, 300 buses, Standalone USB Key.
Investing Costs: USD 14,170 (excluding taxes and shipping costs)

Example 2
Selection: DAPPER, CAPTOR and IEC 909 for 2 users, Arc Flash Evaluation and TMS for 1 user, 100 buses, LAN USB Key.
Investing Costs: USD 21,652 (excluding taxes and shipping costs)


You can also opt for a Combo-Pack, which is a standard package selected by SKM. A Combo-Pack can be more cost-effective than a custom-assembled package. For example, the IEC Industrial Pack with 300 buses and a standalone USB key is identical to the selection in example 1, but better priced.
Investing Costs: USD 13,095 (excluding taxes and shipping costs).

Request for a quotation

If you are based in the Netherlands or Belgium (or upon your request, in other EU countries), I am happy to provide a customized quotation according to your specific requirements in euros, including taxes and shipping costs. Call +31-6-22992403 or email to info@svri.nl.

Free Demo Version

Interested in trying SKM Power Tools? Take advantage of the free 30-day Demo Version. This version is limited to 15 buses and 35 components, and printing is not possible. But with the Demo Version, you can test all modules and complete all the exercises from the extensive tutorial.

Installing and activating the Demo Version:

  1. Email your request for the SKM Power Tools Demo version to info@svri.nl, including your name, position, phone number, email address, and the name of your organisation.
  2. You will receive an email with a link
  3. After clicking the link, it may take some time before you can download a PTW32_~.exe file (approximately 400 MB).
  4. Download and install the software on a PC or laptop where SKM Power Tools has never been installed before
  5. After starting, the Demo Version will be active for 30 days

During installation, manuals, tutorials, and other PDF documents will be installed in the ~\PTW32\Doc folder. We recommend starting with the document PTW Tutorial. This is an excellent tutorial to quickly get started with the software.

Technical Support & Training

For assistance and support, you can consult several offline and online resources. Additionally, you can ask questions about using the software to me, the SKM Helpdesk, and the SKM Library Service, provided there is a valid maintenance contract. I also offer training to get started, and for advanced training, you can contact SKM.

Read the installed documents

During installation, the ~\PTW32\Doc folder will be created with the following PDF-documents:

Try the Sample Projects

During installation, the ~\PTW32\Projects folder will be created with sample projects.

Visit the SKM website

Visit the SKM website tab Support for:

Participate in a training course

You can participate in several training courses to explore the SKM Power Tools software:

Use the helpdesk

SKM's Technical Support Team is a quality-driven team committed to helping you quickly resolve issues or questions within the software.

SKM's Library Service models components upon your request if they are missing from the library. Please provide all necessary data in PDF format.

As long as you have a valid maintenance contract, you can send an email to info@svri.nl for the services mentioned above.

Enhancements & Upgrades

With a maintenance contract, you can keep the SKM Power Tools software up to date, have access to technical support, and expand your license if desired.

Maintenance and Support contract

Unlimited technical support and software updates are provided as part of the Annual Maintenance and Support contract. The first year is included as part of your purchase!

Most of my customers renew Annual Maintenance and Support contract every year. But if you don't renew this service, you can still use your license. However, please note that you won't have access to technical support and software updates/upgrades.


Adding users or modules, increasing the number of buses, or changing the key is always possible with an existing license, provided there is a valid Maintenance and Support contract. The cost of the upgrade is according to the then-current SKM price list.